Hello and welcome to my artwork & resume blog. It contains all my artwork: ranging from layouts, altered items to handmade journals. Please check out each Gallery link for the images - I will be updating this blog constantly with new artwork.
A little about Me:
My name is Anam Stubbington (Anam is ‘Spirit’ in Gaelic). I am 38 years old and live in Barcelona, Spain with my artist Husband Ian and our two awesome daughters - Fay & Lily.
I am originally from Ireland - moved to the UK in 1998 to be with Ian and we have lived all over the UK. Then in 2006 we moved to Edmonton (Canada) and then in 2011 we moved back to the UK and now since November 2012, we are living in Barcelona (Spain).
I am a trained Typesetter and a Lithographic Printer. I have worked everywhere from Design Companies to Printers, from IT for Banks to Teaching for specialist software developers.
I started scrapbooking in 2003 as a way to deal with the journey to be a family despite infertility and we now have two daughters that we are very proud of.
My Objectives for my Scrapbooking Journey.
To enjoy creating memories. I would like to continue to work with people who push my creative box, to share some of my joy with people and be able to bring new and wonderful to the scrapbook world.
Having discovered Scrapbooking as an outlet for my creative energy - an art that combines photography, journaling, typography and texture - I now want to share this energy with others.
I am not on any offical design teams currently as I took a year off from all commitments to recover from illness and focus on our move to Barcelona.
I love the challenge that Design Team work brings - I love the chance to teach and share with other scrapbookers so I suspect that I will join teams again in the future.
Previous Manufacturer Design Teams:
My Minds Eye (2008 to 2012)
Prima Marketing Inc (2009 to 2010)
Stix2 Adhesive (Canada) (2007 to 2010)
Queen Kat Stamps (November 2008 to February 2008)
Riff Raff Laser Chipboard - Design Team (2007 to 2008)
Treasured Memories - scrapbook store in Edmonton (2007 to 2011)
Creative Mini Albums - Design Team (2009)
Scrapbooking From the Inside Out - Kit Company (Jan to July 2008)
Fresh Page Kits - Scrapbooking Kits (August 2007 to January 2008)
Scrapper's Haven (Canada) - Local Scrapbooking Store (August 2006 to March 2008) Previous Challenge Blog Design Teams:
AdThis Challenge Blog - Design Team (2009)
Altered Pencil Lines (International) - Altered Challenge blog (June 2007 to October 2007) I was also the Design Team Co-Ordinator for this time.
Pencil Lines (International) - Sketch Challenge blog (October 2006 to October 2007) I was also the Design Team Co-Ordinator for this time.
I also design Sketches for Layouts and Cards as I find they are a great way of kickstarting a creative idea and help to make scrapbooking fun and not tedious.
I Designed Scrapbook Sketches for:
Prima Marketing - Build-a-page Sketch Artist (2008 to 2012)
My Minds Eye Inc - Monthly Sketch Artist (2008 to 2012)
Twisted Sketches - SKetch Challenge Blog (2009 to 2012)
Sketch2Scrapbook - iPhone App (2010 & 2011)
Candy Shoppe Designs - Sketch Artist (2009 to 2010)
Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine - (Canada) Sketch Artist (2008 to 2009)
Guest Designer Opportunities:
Crafting Jewish Style - June & July 2011 Guest Sketch Artist
Nikkils Sivils - May 2011 Guest Design Team Member
Little Musings digital stamps - April 2011 Guest Design Team Member
Mission To Create - January 2011 Guest Design Team Member
Art Glitter Inc - January & February 2010 Guest Design Team Member
Creative Therapy - August 2009 Guest Design Team Member
ScrapWhispers - July 2009 Guest Design Team Member
Crop Suey Kits - July 2009 Guest Design Team Member
Bombshell Stamps - Ms. April 2009 Guest Design Team
Rough Draft Sketches - December 2008 Guest Sketch Artist
Fancy Pants Designs - March & April 2008 Guest Design Team Member
Adornit Carolee's Creations - February 2008 Guest Design Team Member
Scrap a GoGo - February 2008 Guest Kit Designer
Sisterhood of Scrap - August 2007 Guest Sketch Artist
Scrap-a-Latte - September 2007 Guest Sketch Artist
My Styles & Techniques
Colour, Colour and more Colour. I scrap in a variety of way but mostly it involves intense colour along with honest journaling and a twist on product use.
My Published Artwork
Canadian Scrapbooker Spring 2011 (page 104) - "23.07.2010 Cherish"
Scrapbook Trends Spring 2010 “listen gently”
Scrapbooking Memories Australia September 2009 - "2009"
Scrap Street eZine Aug 2009 (page 24) “Many Looks”
Scrap Street eZine May 2009 (page 2) - 'Motherhood", (page 6) 'About you and hats?', (page 7) 'Fetish'
Skin & Ink September 2008 - 2 page spread of layouts
Scrapbooking and Cards Today Winter 2008 (page 60) - "First Snow"
Canadian Scrapbooker Winter 2008 - "Angel" Stix2 Adhesive Advertisement (full page)
Scrapbooking and Cards Today Fall 2008 (page 60) - "So Grown up.."
Scrapbooking and Cards Today Summer 2008 (page 60) - "Queen of the Castle"
Skin & Ink April 2008 - a 10 page (1,500 word) article on Scrapbooking. Complete with layouts from a variety of scrapbookers with tattoos.
Scrapbooking and Cards Today Spring 2008 (page 61) - "Bright Eyes"
Scrapbooking and Cards Today Winter 2007 (Page 82) - "Delicate"
Somerset Memories aka Legacy October & November 2007 (page 65) - "add colour"
Somerset Memories aka Legacy August & September 2007 (page 73) - "34A"
Canadian Scrapbooker Spring 2007 (page 100) - "You are My World"
Scrapbooking and Cards Today Spring 2007 (page 56) - "Windy"
Creating Keepsakes Books Becky Higgins Sketches 2 (page 51) "my jewels"
Scrapbooking Inspirations June 2006 - (Page 17) Best of British Winner. Had the following layouts published:
"Summer fun", "Summer 1994", "Angels", "Two" and "The Best Name"
Creative Scrapbooking (UK) July 2006 - Blogging Along (page 20) my blog is listed as homegrown talent
Creative Scrapbooking (UK) January 2006 - Book of Me (page 36) "Every mark has a story"
Scrapbook Magic (UK) November 2005 - Scrapper's Showcase (page 76) "Fay above the clouds"
Creative Scrapbooking (UK) October 2005 - Scrapbook Challenge (Page 53) "Hawaii Ian"
Creative Scrapbooking (UK) May 2005 - Gallery of Inspiration (page 71) "Green Grass"
Creative Scrapbooking (UK) April 2005 - Winner of the Gallery of Inspiration (page 18) "Tiny Toes"
Creative Scrapbooking (UK) April 2005 - Gallery of inspiration (page 22) "Butterfly Baby"
My Published Artwork in books:
Prima Marketing Inc - The Idea Book 2010 (8 entries)
Creating Keepsakes Books - Becky Higgins Sketches 2 (page 51) "my jewels"
My Artwork at Manufacturer Trade Shows
CHA Winter 2011 - My Minds Eye Booth
CHA Summer 2010 - My Minds Eye Booth
CHA Winter 2010 - Prima Marketing, My Minds Eye Booths
CHA Summer 2009 - Prima Marketing, My Minds Eye Booths
CHA Winter 2009 - Prima Marketing, My Minds Eye Booths
CHA Winter 2007 - Stix2 Adhesives Booth
Most Innovative Layout 2007 in the Scrapbook.com's 2007 Lucky7 contest for my 'Laugh' layout.
Best of British 2006 - One of 10 Winners in the Experienced British Scrapbookers section.
I have taught at local stores, local scrapbooking events and I write instructional PDFs for both Treasured Memories and for online classes.
I am a very Loyal and Committed team member and like sharing my joy of scrapbooking with others.
My Personal blog is www.anamstubbington.typepad.com
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